What is Blue Edge?

Blue EDGE (Educate, Develop, Grow, Empower) is a program of physical training designed to extend a young person’s mind and physical capability. The program includes life skills lessons delivered through career education, motivational speakers and mentoring with a view to having youth actualise their potential. Running for eight weeks with two sessions per week, it finishes with a 17th session called The Final EDGE,  a graduation day of physical challenges and celebration of the successful completion of the program. Outcomes include the development of personal relationships and building of rapport between Police, QBLAI Volunteers, participants and their families. The intention of the program is to grow and develop the skills and attitudes young people need to take part in society, now and in the future. We believe that interacting with young people will encourage participants to be receptive to good guidance and have respect and trust in the police as they mature. We believe that the interaction between young people, the Police and Blue Light is making a positive and sustainable difference in people’s lives.

Zac's story

Zac was part of the first Blue Edge program at Innisfail State School. Early on, it became clear that Zac hadn’t always been involved in school sports and didn’t readily put himself forward to make new friends. Sgt. Mick Maguire quickly developed a love-hate relationship with Zac—Sgt. Mick loved showing Zac new and challenging exercises, while Zac wasn’t as thrilled about it. In the first Blue Edge session, Zac learned how to run a beep test, do a push-up, and complete a sit-up. By the second session, he mastered the star jump. These may seem like small achievements, but for someone lacking confidence and guidance, they can feel as daunting as climbing Mt. Everest.

Over the course of the eight-week program, we watched Zac slowly come out of his shell, engaging in more activities each week. His behavior changed, and we saw him transform into a more confident young man. During breakfast sessions, Zac became more sociable, forming stronger connections with his classmates. This positive change didn’t go unnoticed—everyone from Miss Colleen and Miss Lisa in the front office to his classroom teacher and even the headmaster could see the difference.

By the end of the Blue Edge program, Zac had become a valuable player in both Ultimate Frisbee and Soccer. He entered high school with newfound confidence and a group of friends to share the experience with. Zac was also one of the first to sign up for PCYC’s Boxing After Dark and After Dark drop-ins. He now regularly wins the basketball hot seat, often beating Sgt. Mick, and has emerged as a leader within his group of friends.

This all came full circle when Zac returned to his old primary school, Innisfail State School, to speak to the current Year 6 class who are participating in the Blue Edge program. He shared his experience with the program, talked about how he navigates life as a Year 7 student, and gave advice on high school. One of the most memorable moments was when Zac was asked if he had known any police officers before joining the Blue Edge program. He admitted that he hadn’t. Sgt. Mick then asked, “Did you ever think you’d be mates with a police officer?” Zac’s response? “Nah I didn’t and absolutely we are mates.”

This transformation didn’t happen overnight for Zac or Sgt. Mick. It was the result of a combination of time, effort, and mutual trust. Their journey together highlights the impact that patience and dedication can have. As the saying goes, “Rome wasn’t built in a day,” and the progress Zac made is a testament to that. The Blue Edge program served as the catalyst for this success, proving that with the right support, great things can be achieved. The results speak for themselves.

  • Australian and International studies show that engagement in youth programs such as EDGE encourages a reduced involvement in risky behaviours and activities, and a stronger development of knowledge, skills and competence in a range of life skill areas.
  • Our EDGE program has been developed to enable delivery in broadly diverse locations. Successful programs have been run everywhere from major cities to remote islands in the Torres Strait. Young people living in small, isolated communities in remote areas of Qld often have no access to quality programs outside of school. Areas of socioeconomic disadvantage benefit from EDGE programs being run locally.
  • A major strength of EDGE is it’s adaptability. Positive outcomes for participants are delivered while adapting to the available resources in each community, and tailoring life skills lessons to meet the specific needs of local youth.
  • EDGE utilises the support of local communities, both in-kind and financial to ensure the best possible outcome for participants. This community involvement strengthens the ties between young people and their communities.
  • A supportive, community based environment for developing life skills and self confidence will be enhanced by mentoring from Police and Civilian Volunteers.


Educate, Develop, Grow & Empower

1.5 hours sessions, twice a week for 8 weeks


Arrive at venue, change into EDGE workout gear, ready for 30 – 45 minutes of physical activity. This will be fun and challenging!


Change into a clean school uniform ready for the day ahead.


Yum! The most important meal of the day. Healthy, hearty food to power your body and mind.


Interactive mentoring & life skills sessions by Police Officers & community role models.

Go to school with an energised body and mind!


The EDGE program uses physical training as a tool to help young people develop discipline, learn goal setting skills and grow through the achievement of personal skills.  Improved physical health promotes improved mental health.  Participants will learn the importance of team work and to motivate one another as well as themselves to achieve their goals.


Participants will shower and change into a clean school uniform after each exercise session.  Personal hygiene is an important part of physical well being.


A simple, healthy and hearty breakfast will be provided before participants go to school.  Meals are prepared during the work out sessions, however everyone helps to clean up.


Motivational guest speakers will be invited to address participants during breakfast and simple life skills are also taught.  Participants go to school alert, fed, motivated and ready for learning.

Contact Our blue edge team

For more information about BLUE EDGE and how we can assist your local community or school to run a program, please speak to us!